Adding Pressure

Ring Cheekpieces 2 ½ Ring The 2½ Ring is the softest of the ring type cheek pieces as its ½ ring softens the leverage on the mouthpiece and poll. Uses: Horses that tend to get strong Horses that compete in showjumping/ cross country   The bridle attaches to the top [...]

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Basic Pressure

Loose Rings Uses: Beginner – Novice Riders Young horses Horses that are reactive to pressure Loose Ring Adds the least amount of pressure Loose ring applies pressure slowly and releases very quickly. Quick release of pressure encourages calmness and gives the reward faster. Taking contact, the mouthpiece will slip around [...]

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External Pressure Points

Cheek Pressure: Pressure applied by the cheekpiece to side of the horses face Most fixed cheek pieces will, to some degree, apply cheek pressure If a bit strap is added to a loose ring, it will also start to apply some cheek pressure Effect: Supports lateral aids by applying pressure [...]

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Adding Pressure

Ring Cheekpieces 2 ½ Ring The 2½ Ring is the softest of the ring type cheek pieces as its ½ ring softens the leverage on the mouthpiece and poll. Uses: Horses that tend to get strong Horses that compete in showjumping/ cross country   The bridle attaches to the top [...]

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Basic Pressure

Loose Rings Uses: Beginner – Novice Riders Young horses Horses that are reactive to pressure Loose Ring Adds the least amount of pressure Loose ring applies pressure slowly but releases very quickly. Quick release of pressure encourages calmness and gives the reward faster. Taking contact, the mouthpiece will slip around [...]

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External Pressure Points

Cheek Pressure: Pressure applied by the cheekpiece to side of the horses face Most fixed cheek pieces will, to some degree, apply cheek pressure If a bit strap is added to a loose ring, it will also start to apply some cheek pressure Effect: Supports lateral aids by applying pressure [...]

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