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Watch LessonDrop Cheek Lite
The Drop Cheek Lite has been designed to accommodate a swivel mouth piece. Horses that have a short mouth, often have prominent molars lower down, many cheek pieces will rub the cheeks over the molars. The Drop Cheek lite has the mouth piece positioned higher on the cheek piece, allowing the top ring to sit further down. The top ring is also able to be bent out more than standard to accommodate the molars
Recommended for horses that have a short lip from incisor to molar, as well as low prominent molars.
The Drop Cheek Lite was designed specifically for horses that have short mouths and low, prominent molars. This conformation can make it difficult to fit a fixed cheekpiece as it will rub the skin over the molars.
The mouthpiece is placed higher on the cheekpiece so that the top ring sits lower on the face, below the first pre-molar.