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Watch LessonSnaffle Polito
Our Snaffle is a popular bit due to the curved mouthpiece which distributes pressure more evenly over tongue and bars and reduces the nutcracker action. The offset centre link avoids the usual pressure point on the tongue. The nutcracker action results in the horse lifting its head, therefore offers a solution for the horse that runs with its head down.
Bombers subtle innovations make this bit far more acceptable than the traditional counterparts.
The flattened Polito mouthpiece is stronger than the equivalent standard mouthpiece as pressure is applied over a smaller area.
Lifetime Guarantee
The Bombers Lifetime Guarantee does extend to include the Snaffle Polito.
Product Care
Wash and dry bit after every use, store in a dry area.
The flattened Polito mouthpiece sits more comfortably when in neutral but comes on stronger than the equivalent standard mouthpiece as pressure is applied over an increasingly smaller area.