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The Elliptical is stronger than the Control Plate due to it concentrating pressure onto a smaller surface area. This bit will suit a horse that pushes the bit with its tongue. The horse will draw its head back and tuck its chin in, finding a better balance of control.
Bomber recommends this conventional mouth piece for both schooling and competition, it applies sharper pressure than the plate to the tongue and similar pressure to the bar, bringing the head down.
The Elliptical creates a pressure point on the tongue due to the center component concentrating pressure on a small surface area. Pressure descends onto the bars and due to the mouthpiece being a double break, it will create a squeeze on the bars – however this squeeze on the bars is less than the squeeze created by a single jointed mouthpiece. The Elliptical is available in Sweet Iron and Titanium The Sweet Iron material was chosen as a metal option as it oxidizes. Oxidization encourages salivation and acceptance of the mouthpiece. The Titanium material was designed as an alternative metal option to sweet iron, this metal was specifically chosen due to its hypoallergenic nature. The double break, Elliptical 45, is a broken mouthpiece and will take the shape of the horses mouth.

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