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Watch LessonElliptical Petros
The Elliptical is a 45 mm lozenge, it is stronger than the Control Plate due to it having a smaller surface area. Consequently, a horse using his tongue as a means of pushing against the bit and therefore taking control, will draw back and tuck his chin in, coming back to a better point of control.
The Petros mouthpieces rotate preventing the horse taking hold of the bit. Often good for a horse that leans or tries to take hold of the bit.
Lifetime Guarantee
The Bombers Lifetime Guarantee does extend to include the Elliptical Petros.
Product Care
Wash and dry bit after every use, store in a dry area.
The Petros mouthpieces rotate preventing the horse taking hold of the bit. Often good for a horse that leans or tries to take hold of the bit.