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Watch LessonDressage Forward Port Petros
The Dressage Port allows for tongue relief and is angled slightly forward. This forward angle encourages the nose to extending slightly past the vertical.
The Petros mouthpieces rotate preventing the horse taking hold of the bit. Often good for a horse that leans or tries to take hold of the bit.
The Dressage Port Petros offers tongue relief due to the medium port, pressure is spread across the bars. The Dressage Port Petros is not curved, therefore it applies slightly more bar pressure than the Happy Tongue. The Dressage Port Petros is a solid mouthpiece and will not create a squeeze on the bars.
The narrower port will give slightly less tongue relief, but it is better suited to horse’s that have a narrow lower jaw.
The Petros prevents the horse from being able to hold onto the mouthpiece. It is a softer option than cherry rollers as the surface area is smooth. As the horse tries to grab the bit, the rollers will roll, preventing the horse from getting a purchase on the bit.
The Dressage Port Petros is available in Sweet Iron and . The Sweet Iron material was chosen as a metal option as it oxidizes. Oxidization encourages salivation and acceptance of the mouthpiece.
The solid, Dressage Port Petros, has no movement. The 3 available ports have been scaled according to each width. This ensures accurate fitting over the bars and eliminates the rocking movement which occurs when the port is too wide.